Authentic Connection and Serenity

Horses are very sensitive beings.  They have to be; as prey animals their lives depend on it.  They have a highly evolved ability to sense everything around them and have an amazing capacity to read the true intentions of another.  Therefore, they mirror what we bring to them with clarity and without judgment.  Horses also prefer peaceful relationships and continuously, actively create an ordered environment for their own good and for the well-being of the herd.  Thus, these benevolent beings are masters of communication and conflict resolution whose chief desires with a human are authentic connection and serenity.  

Nonjudgmental Feedback

Since these desires lie at the heart of human relationships too, horses can lead us directly to the source of our problems by letting us know, without judgment, what we are projecting that may or may not be helping us.  Horses will tell us when we are sending conflicting messages, when we are not being completely honest with our self and when we are not at peace with something.  Somehow this kind of honesty is so much easier to take from soft gentle beings like our horses, who accept us with unconditional regard, than it can be to accept this feedback from a boss or co-worker, friend or spouse!  Plus, there is always room for spontaneous playfulness and flexibility at any moment, so that the experience is fun and memorable. 

Never underestimate the heart a horse brings to the task.